Friday, July 21, 2006

Travelers' Log

In the past few months, we've gotten to see some neat little corners of this country, and we thought we'd bring you some of the highlights! So, grab yourself a cuppa and enjoy the virtual tour!

First stop, Malham, part of the beautiful world-famous Yorkshire Dales. It's only about forty minutes away from Leeds, so it's pretty easy for us to get out for some fresh air when we feel like we've been cooped up for too long in the city!

We noticed how England is really a nation of hikers. Everybody's got hiking boots, even Grandma! It was a good day to go for a walk, too, because all of the cute little lambs were out! (By the way, that is Kristy talking, not manly Ian, of course.)

Next stop, Fountains Abbey, Britain's largest monastic ruin. We explored the abbey and gardens through clouds, rain, brilliant sunshine, and yes, even hail (all in about 20 minute cycles)!

We went with a group of friends this time and had a picnic lunch in the ruins. Except for Ian and I posing with the Tupperware, this kinda looks like a band photo or something, doesn't it?

The final stop for this round of touring is Whitby, home of Whitby Abbey, Dracula, Caedmon, and Captain James Cook.

Whitby Abbey is gorgeous! It's set up on cliffs overlooking the sea and the town of Whitby. Since it stars in the story of Dracula, you can even ride the Dracula ride on the sort of "boardwalk"ish type area in town. It was also the home of Saint Hild, other important Anglican people, and the poet, Caedmon.

Whitby is also the home port of Captain James Cook, the guy who discovered New Zealand! Here's our Kiwi boys paying their tribute to the monument there.

And here he is with a bird on his head...

Me, Sara, and "Rod" enjoying the sunshine.

Not quite Okinawa, but it'll do!


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